
Integration and derivatives

Integrate univariate and multivariate functions.

  • VEGAS / VEGAS+ - Monte Carlo integration of multivariate function
  • h-Cubature - h-adaptive integration of multivariate function
  • Guass-Kronrod and Gauss-Legendre - quadrature integration of univariate functions
  • Romberg, Simpson, MidPoint and Trapezoid

Integrant is substituted in case of improper integration bounds.

Derivatives (finite differences method):

  • derivatives of any degree and any order of accuracy
  • gradient and hessian for multivariate functions


(cubature f lower upper)(cubature f lower upper {:keys [rel abs max-evals max-iters initdiv info?], :or {rel 1.0E-7, abs 1.0E-7, max-evals Integer/MAX_VALUE, max-iters 64, initdiv 2, info? false}})

Cubature - h-adaptive integration of multivariate function, n>1 dimensions.

Algorithm uses Genz Malik method.

In each iteration a box with biggest error is subdivided and reevaluated.

Improper integrals with infinite bounds are handled by a substitution.


  • f - integrant
  • lower - seq of lower bounds
  • upper - seq of upper bounds


  • :initvid - initial subdivision per dimension, default: 2.
  • :max-evals - maximum number of evaluations, default: max integer value.
  • :max-iters - maximum number of iterations, default: 64.
  • :rel - relative error, 1.0e-7
  • :abs - absolute error, 1.0e-7
  • :info? - return full information about integration, default: false

Function returns a map containing (if info? is true, returns result otherwise):

  • :result - integration value
  • :error - integration error
  • :iterations - number of iterations
  • :evaluations - number of evaluations
  • :subdivisions - final number of boxes
  • :fail? - set to :max-evals or :max-iters when one of the limits has been reached without the convergence.


(derivative f)(derivative f n)(derivative f n {:keys [acc h method extrapolate?], :or {acc 2, h 0.0, method :central}})

Create nth derivative of f using finite difference method for given accuracy :acc and step :h.

Returns function.


  • n - derivative
  • :acc - order of accuracy (default: 2)
  • :h - step, (default: 0.0, automatic)
  • :method - :central (default), :forward or :backward
  • :extrapolate? - creates extrapolated derivative if set to true or a map with extrapolate function options


(extrapolate g)(extrapolate g {:keys [contract power init-h rel abs max-evals tol], :or {contract 0.5, power 1.0, init-h 0.5, abs m/MACHINE-EPSILON, rel (m/sqrt (m/ulp init-h)), max-evals Integer/MAX_VALUE, tol 2.0}})

Richardson extrapolation for given function g=g(x,h). Returns extrapolated function f(x).


  • :contract - shrinkage factor, default=1/2
  • :power - set to 2.0 for even functions around x0, default 1.0
  • :init-h - initial step h, default=1/2
  • :abs - absolute error, default: machine epsilon
  • :rel - relative error, default: ulp for init-h
  • :tol - tolerance for error, default: 2.0
  • :max-evals - maximum evaluations, default: maximum integer


(f' f)

First central derivative with order of accuracy 2.


(f'' f)

Second central derivative with order of accuracy 2.


(f''' f)

Third central derivative with order of accuracy 2.


(fx->gx+h f)

Convert f(x) to g(x,h)=f(x+h)


(fx->gx-h f)

Convert f(x) to g(x,h)=f(x-h)


(gradient f)(gradient f {:keys [h acc], :or {h 1.0E-6, acc 2}})

Create first partial derivatives of multivariate function for given accuracy :acc and step :h.

Returns function.


  • :acc - order of accuracy, 2 (default) or 4.
  • :h - step, default 1.0e-6


(hessian f)(hessian f {:keys [h], :or {h 0.005}})

Creates function returning Hessian matrix for mulitvariate function f and given :h step (default: 5.0e-3).


(integrate f)(integrate f lower upper)(integrate f lower upper {:keys [rel abs max-iters min-iters max-evals info? integrator integration-points], :or {rel BaseAbstractUnivariateIntegrator/DEFAULT_RELATIVE_ACCURACY, abs BaseAbstractUnivariateIntegrator/DEFAULT_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY, min-iters BaseAbstractUnivariateIntegrator/DEFAULT_MIN_ITERATIONS_COUNT, max-evals Integer/MAX_VALUE, integration-points 7, integrator :gauss-kronrod, info? false}, :as options})

Univariate integration.

Improper integrals with infinite bounds are handled by a substitution.


  • f - integrant
  • lower - lower bound
  • upper - upper bound


  • :integrator - integration algorithm, one of: :romberg, :trapezoid, :midpoint, :simpson, :gauss-legendre and :gauss-kronrod (default).
  • :min-iters - minimum number of iterations (default: 3), not used in :gauss-kronrod
  • :max-iters - maximum number of iterations (default: 32 or 64)
  • :max-evals - maximum number of evaluations, (default: maximum integer)
  • :rel - relative error
  • :abs - absolute error
  • :integration-points - number of integration (quadrature) points for :gauss-legendre and :gauss-kronrod, default 7
  • :initdiv - initial number of subdivisions for :gauss-kronrod, default: 1
  • :info? - return full information about integration, default: false

:gauss-kronrod is h-adaptive implementation

Function returns a map containing (if info? is true, returns result otherwise):

  • :result - integration value
  • :error - integration error (:gauss-kronrod only)
  • :iterations - number of iterations
  • :evaluations - number of evaluations
  • :subdivisions - final number of boxes (:gauss-kronrod only)
  • :fail? - set to :max-evals or :max-iters when one of the limits has been reached without the convergence.


(vegas f lower upper)(vegas f lower upper {:keys [max-iters rel abs nevals alpha beta warmup info? record-data?], :or {max-iters 10, rel 5.0E-4, abs 5.0E-4, nevals 10000, beta 0.75, warmup 0, info? false, record-data? false}, :as options})

VEGAS+ - Monte Carlo integration of multivariate function, n>1 dimensions.

Improper integrals with infinite bounds are handled by a substitution.


  • f - integrant
  • lower - seq of lower bounds
  • upper - seq of upper bounds

Additional options:

  • :max-iters - maximum number of iterations, default: 10
  • :nevals - number of evaluations per iteration, default: 10000
  • :nintervals - number of grid intervals per dimension (default: 1000)
  • :nstrats - number of stratifications per dimension (calculated)
  • :warmup - number of warmup iterations (results are used to train stratification and grid spacings, default: 0
  • :alpha - grid refinement parameter, 0.5 slow (default for vegas+), 1.5 moderate/fast (defatult for vegas)
  • :beta - stratification damping parameter for startification adaptation, default: 0.75
  • :rel - relative accuracy, default: 5.0e-4
  • :abs - absolute accuracy, default: 5.0e-4
  • :random-sequence - random sequence used for generating samples: :uniform (default), low-discrepancy sequences: :r2, :sobol and :halton.
  • :jitter - jittering factor for low-discrepancy random sequence, default: 0.75
  • :info? - return full information about integration, default: false
  • :record-data? - stores samples, number of strata, x and dx, default: false (requires, :info? to be set to true)

For original VEGAS algorithm set :nstrats to 1.

:nstrats can be also a list, then each dimension is divided independently according to a given number. If list is lower then number of dimensions, then it’s cycled.

Function returns a map with following keys (if info? is true, returns result otherwise):

  • :result - value of integral
  • :iterations - number of iterations (excluding warmup)
  • :sd - standard deviation of results
  • :nintervals - actual grid size
  • :nstrats - number of stratitfications per dimension
  • :nhcubes - number of hypercubes
  • :evaluations - number of function calls
  • :chi2-avg - average of chi2
  • :dof - degrees of freedom
  • :Q - goodness of fit indicator, 1 - very good, <0.25 very poor
  • :data - recorded data (if available)