Fastmath 2.4.0
Released under the MIT Licence
Fast and primitive math library.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[generateme/fastmath "2.4.0"]
Integration and derivatives
Other vars: ->CubatureBox ->QuadGKSegment cubature derivative extrapolate f' f'' f''' fx->gx+h fx->gx-h gradient hessian integrate vegas
Complex numbers functions.
Other vars: -I I I- ONE TWO ZERO abs acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch add arg asec asech asin asinh atan atanh complex conjugate cos cosh cot coth csc csch csgn delta-eq div exp flip im imaginary? inf? log logb mult mult-I mult-I- nan? neg norm pow re real? reciprocal scale sec sech sin sinh sq sqrt sqrt1z sub tan tanh zero?
Collection of fast math functions and plethora of constants known from other math libraries.
Other vars: * + - / < << <= == > >= >> >>> Ci I0 Si abs acos acosh acot acoth acovercos acoversin acrd acsc acsch aexcsc aexsec ahacovercos ahacoversin ahavercos ahaversin approx approx-eq approx= asec asech asin asinh atan atan2 atanh avercos aversin bessel-j between-? between? bit-and bit-and-not bit-clear bit-flip bit-nand bit-nor bit-not bit-or bit-set bit-shift-left bit-shift-right bit-test bit-xor bits->double bool-and bool-not bool-or bool-xor cb cbrt ceil cexpexp cloglog cnorm co-intervals combinations constrain copy-sign cos cos-interpolation cosh cot coth covercos coversin crd csc csch cut dec degrees delta-eq delta= difference-of-products digamma dist double-array->seq double-bits double-double-array->seq double-exponent double-high-bits double-low-bits double-significand eq erf erfc evalpoly even? excsc exp expm1 exsec factorial factorial20 fast* fast+ fast- fast-identity fast-max fast-min floor fma fpow frac gamma gcd group-by-intervals hacovercos hacoversin havercos haversin haversine haversine-dist high-2-exp high-exp hypot hypot-sqrt iabs inc inf? inv-erf inv-erfc inv-factorial inv-gamma-1pm1 invalid-double? itrunc jinc lcm lerp ln log log-I0 log-beta log-combinations log-factorial log-gamma log-gamma-1p log10 log1mexp log1p log1pexp log1pmx log1psq log2 log2int log2mexp logaddexp logb logcosh logexpm1 logistic logit logmxp1 logsubexp logsumexp low-2-exp low-exp make-norm makepoly max mevalpoly min minkowski mlerp mnorm mod muladd nan? near-zero? neg-inf? neg? negative-zero? negmuladd next-double norm not-neg? not-pos? not== odd? one? order pos-inf? pos? pow pow2 pow3 prev-double qceil qcos qdist qexp qfloor qlog qpow qround qsin qsqrt quad-interpolation quot radians rank rank1 regularized-beta regularized-gamma-p regularized-gamma-q rem remainder rint round round-even round-up-pow2 rqsqrt safe-sqrt sample sec sech seq->double-array seq->double-double-array sfrac sgn sigmoid signum sin sinc sinh slice-range smooth-interpolation smooth-max smoothstep sq sqrt sum-of-products tan tanh trigamma trunc ulp unsigned-bit-shift-right unuse-primitive-operators use-primitive-operators valid-double? vercos versin wrap xexpx xexpy xlog1py xlogx xlogy zero?
Distance objects.
Easing functions.
Other vars: back-in back-in-out back-out bounce-in bounce-in-out bounce-out circle-in circle-in-out circle-out cubic-in cubic-in-out cubic-out easings-list elastic-in elastic-in-out elastic-out exp-in exp-in-out exp-out in-out linear out poly-in poly-in-out poly-out quad-in quad-in-out quad-out reflect sin-in sin-in-out sin-out
(re)Implementation of EFloat/Interval from pbrt-v3/pbrt-v4.
Other vars: ->EFloat ->Pair ->double abs absolute-error acos add addf ceil cos difference-of-products div divf efloat equals? floor fma in-range? lower-bound map->EFloat map->Pair max mid-point min mul mulf neg quadratic relative-error sin sq sqrt sub subf sum-of-products upper-bound width
Vector field functions.
Other vars: *skip-random-fields* angle-between combine composition cross curl derivative divergence dot field fields-list fields-list-not-random fields-list-random fields-map grad-x grad-y heading jacobian magnitude multiplication parametrization random-configuration random-field randomize-configuration scalar->vector-field sum
Gaussian Processes
Other vars: ->GaussianProcess L gaussian-process posterior-samples predict predict-all prior-samples
Grid calculation functions.
Other vars: cell->anchor cell->mid cell-names coords->anchor coords->cell coords->mid corners flat-hex-corners grid grid-type pointy-hex-corners
1d, 2d interpolation functions.
Other vars: akima-spline b-spline b-spline-interp bicubic bicubic-smile bilinear cubic-2d cubic-spline divided-difference interpolators-1d-list interpolators-2d-list kriging-spline linear linear-smile loess microsphere-2d-projection microsphere-projection monotone neville piecewise-bicubic polynomial rbf shepard spline step step-after step-before
Various kernel functions.
Other vars: approx cauchy-density-kernel cosine-density-kernel cpd->pd epanechnikov-density-kernel exp fields gaussian-density-kernel kernel kernel->rbf kernel-density kernel-density-ci kernel-density-list kernels-list laplace-density-kernel logistic-density-kernel mult quartic-density-kernel rbf rbf->kernel rbf-list scale sigmoid-density-kernel silverman-density-kernel smile-mercer smile-rbf triangular-density-kernel tricube-density-kernel triweight-density-kernel uniform-density-kernel wadd wigner-density-kernel
Fixed size (2x2, 3x3, 4x4) matrix types.
Other vars: ->Mat2x2 ->Mat3x3 ->Mat4x4 acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch add adds asec asech asin asinh atan atanh cb cbrt ceil cholesky col cols cols->mat cols->mat2x2 cols->mat3x3 cols->mat4x4 condition cos cosh cot coth csc csch degrees det diag diagonal eigenvalues eigenvalues-matrix eigenvectors emulm exp expm1 eye floor fmap frac inverse jinc ln log log10 log1mexp log1p log1pexp log1pmx log1psq log2 logexpm1 logit logmxp1 mat mat->RealMatrix mat->array mat->array2d mat->float-array mat->float-array2d mat2x2 mat3x3 mat4x4 mulm mulmt muls mulv ncol negate norm normalize nrow outer radians rint rotation-matrix-2d rotation-matrix-3d rotation-matrix-3d-x rotation-matrix-3d-y rotation-matrix-3d-z rotation-matrix-axis-3d round row rows rows->RealMatrix rows->mat rows->mat2x2 rows->mat3x3 rows->mat4x4 safe-sqrt sec sech sfrac sgn sigmoid signum sin sinc singular-values sinh solve sq sqrt sub symmetric? tan tanh tmulm tmulmt trace transpose trunc vtmul xlogx zero
Other vars: bayesian-optimization linear-optimization maximize maximizer minimize minimizer scan-and-maximize scan-and-minimize
Set of protocols for fastmath.
Other vars: ->seq abs add approx as-vec axis-rotate base-from brandom cdf cell->anchor cell->mid continuous? coords->cell coords->mid corners covariance cross dimensions distribution-id distribution-parameters distribution? dot drandom econstrain einterpolate emn emult emx fmap forward-1d forward-2d frandom from-polar grandom grid-type heading icdf interpolate irandom is-near-zero? is-zero? lower-bound lpdf lrandom mag magsq maxdim mean means mindim mn mult mx pdf permute perpendicular probability prod reciprocal reverse-1d reverse-2d rotate sample set-seed set-seed! shift source-object sub sum to-acm-vec to-double-array to-polar to-vec transform upper-bound variance
Other vars: -I -J -K I J K ONE ZERO acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch add arg asec asech asin asinh atan atanh complex->quaternion conjugate cos cosh cot coth csc csch delta-eq div exp from-angles from-euler from-rotation-matrix im-i im-j im-k imaginary? inf? log logb mult nan? neg norm normalize pow qsgn quaternion re real? reciprocal rotate rotation-quaternion scalar scale sec sech sin sinh slerp sq sqrt sub tan tanh to-angles to-euler to-rotation-matrix vector zero?
Various random and noise functions.
Other vars: ->seq ball-random billow-noise brand brandom ccdf cdf continuous? covariance default-normal default-rng dimensions discrete-noise distribution distribution-id distribution-parameters distribution? distributions-list drand drandom fbm-noise flip flip-rng flipb flipb-rng frand frandom grand grandom icdf integrate-pdf irand irandom jittered-sequence-generator likelihood log-likelihood lower-bound lpdf lrand lrandom mean means noise noise-generators noise-interpolations noise-types observe observe1 pdf probability random-noise-cfg random-noise-fn randval randval-rng ridgedmulti-noise rng rngs-list roll-a-dice roll-a-dice-rng sample sequence-generator sequence-generators-list set-seed set-seed! simplex single-noise source-object synced-rng upper-bound variance vnoise warp-noise-fn
Signal processing (effect) and generation (oscillators).
Other vars: ->BiquadConf ->EffectsList ->SampleAndState ->StateBassTreble ->StateBiquad ->StateDecimator ->StateDivider ->StateEcho ->StateFm ->StateMdaThruZero ->StateVcf303 apply-effects apply-effects-raw compose-effects db->linear effect effect-node effects-list kernel-smoothing-filter linear->db load-signal moving-average-filter oscillator oscillator->signal oscillator-gain oscillators oscillators-sum reset-effects save-signal savgol-filter signal->oscillator single-pass
Other vars: ->confusion-matrix L0 L1 L2 L2sq LInf acf acf-ci ad-test-one-sample adjacent-values ameasure binary-measures binary-measures-all binomial-ci binomial-ci-methods binomial-test bootstrap bootstrap-ci brown-forsythe-test chisq-test ci cliffs-delta coefficient-matrix cohens-d cohens-d-corrected cohens-f cohens-f2 cohens-kappa cohens-q cohens-u2 cohens-u3 cohens-w contingency-2x2-measures contingency-2x2-measures-all contingency-table contingency-table->marginals correlation correlation-matrix count= covariance covariance-matrix cramers-c cramers-v cramers-v-corrected cressie-read-test demean dissimilarity epsilon-sq estimate-bins estimation-strategies-list eta-sq extent f-test fligner-killeen-test freeman-tukey-test geomean glass-delta harmean hedges-g hedges-g* hedges-g-corrected histogram hpdi-extent inner-fence-extent iqr jensen-shannon-divergence kendall-correlation kruskal-test ks-test-one-sample ks-test-two-samples kullback-leibler-divergence kurtosis levene-test mad mad-extent mae mape maximum mcc me mean mean-absolute-deviation means-ratio means-ratio-corrected median median-3 median-absolute-deviation minimum minimum-discrimination-information-test mode modes moment mse multinomial-likelihood-ratio-test neyman-modified-chisq-test omega-sq one-way-anova-test outer-fence-extent outliers p-overlap p-value pacf pacf-ci pearson-correlation pearson-r percentile percentile-bc-extent percentile-bca-extent percentile-extent percentiles pi pi-extent pooled-stddev pooled-variance population-stddev population-variance power-divergence-test powmean psnr quantile quantile-extent quantiles r2 r2-determination rank-epsilon-sq rank-eta-sq rescale rmse robust-standardize rows->contingency-table rss second-moment sem sem-extent similarity skewness span spearman-correlation standardize stats-map stddev stddev-extent sum t-test-one-sample t-test-two-samples trim tschuprows-t ttest-one-sample ttest-two-samples variance variation weighted-kappa winsor wmean wmedian wmw-odds wquantile wquantiles z-test-one-sample z-test-two-samples
Bootstrap methods and confidence intervals
Other vars: bootstrap bootstrap-stats ci-basic ci-bc ci-bca ci-normal ci-percentile ci-studentized ci-t jackknife jackknife+
Other vars: compress denoise forward-1d forward-2d reverse-1d reverse-2d transformer wavelets-list
Mathematical vector operations.
Other vars: ->ArrayVec ->Vec2 ->Vec3 ->Vec4 abs acos acosh acot acoth acsc acsch add aligned? angle-between applyf approx array->vec2 array->vec3 array->vec4 array-vec as-vec asec asech asin asinh atan atanh average average-vectors axis-rotate base-from cb cbrt ceil clamp cos cosh cot coth cross csc csch degrees delta-eq dhash-code dist dist-abs dist-ang dist-canberra dist-cheb dist-discrete dist-emd dist-sq distances div dot econstrain ediv einterpolate emn emult emx exp expm1 faceforward floor fmap frac from-polar generate-vec2 generate-vec3 generate-vec4 heading interpolate is-near-zero? is-zero? jinc lerp limit ln log log10 log1mexp log1p log1pexp log1pmx log1psq log2 logexpm1 logit logmeanexp logmxp1 logsoftmax logsumexp mag magsq make-vector maxdim mindim mn mult mx near-zero? nonzero-count normalize permute perpendicular prod project radians reciprocal relative-angle-between rint rotate round safe-sqrt sec sech seq->vec2 seq->vec3 seq->vec4 set-mag sfrac sgn shift sigmoid signum sim-cos sin sinc sinh softmax sq sqrt sub sum tan tanh to-polar to-vec transform triple-product trunc vec->RealVector vec->Vec vec->array vec2 vec3 vec4 xlogx zero-count zero?